Notes can be found as interactive webpage at


home #

what #

These are my personal notes for courses I’ve taken at Berkeley. It varies from course-to-course, but I try to take notes from lecture content as well as supplemental notes (i.e. CSM, discussion, labs). I enjoy linking to other related pages, often Wikipedia, and try to remember to denote extra information that’s not in scope of the course.

These notes should serve as a supplement to course material, but no more than that. I believe you have to interact with the ideas yourself to truly understand them. That is, not rely solely on reading my notes.

I no longer actively maintain this repository as I have found a better workflow that works for me – taking physical notes during lecture and using Anki as a question bank.

Notes that look like this are incomplete.

how #

This site is compiled with the latest version on hugo along with the book theme alongside some css tweaks to emulate onedark. $\LaTeX$ is done through KaTeX now, but MathJax is used on old pages.

I wrote this python script to clean up and format slides/PDFs as .md files to speed up the process too.

contributing #

Feel free to point out (or even correct) mistakes by creating an issue / pull request or by reaching out me; my contacts are on my www.

If you would like to contribute, make a pull request on the GitHub repository. You only have to edit the master branch, GH actions generate the site after each push in the gh-pages branch (so ignore it).

When cloning this repository, you will (probably) have to run the following command to pull the book theme submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive

todos #

  • Anki links
  • HLJS – will implement if I ever end up taking notes in a CS class
  • Hugo function to generate preview of each class’s notes on the their respective ‘home’ pages
    • E.x would show a compilation of every week’s table of contents

todones #

  • OneDark theme :o
  • Import old AP notes
    • Made in Notion, will need to be cleaned up